3M™ PROTECTA® PRO-Stop™ Single Leg and PRO™ Pack Twin
Leg Shock Absorbing Lanyards – Product Advisory

As part of 3M Fall Protection’s on-going commitment to delivering high quality safety equipment, we are notifying our customers of the following information related to the 3M™ PROTECTA® PRO-Stop™ Single Leg & Pro™ Pack Twin Leg Shock Absorbing Lanyard portfolios. During internal testing, we found that a small percentage of tested units of certain models of the PRO-Stop™ and Pro™ Pack lanyards did not meet the OSHA 1926.502 section 9d. static requirement of achieving 5000 lbs. (22.2kN) minimum breaking strength.

In all tests, these lanyards continued to meet all dynamic requirements of OSHA 1926.502 section 16d proving that these lanyards would arrest a fall. We are not aware of any accidents or injuries related the condition described above. We have not received any customer complaints regarding this but have identified it through an internal review.

Home Depot purchasers, click here to read the detailed product advisory notice.

All other purchasers, click here to read the detailed product advisory notice.